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Thread: I did it...

  1. #61
    Cheap Thrills
    Why should we stop at gas? Why don't we give the government en even GREATER law enforcement tool by making it so that you have to have a national ID to buy ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING? Simply put, you would need to prove you were a citizen in good standing to engage in any commerce whatsoever.
    Actually, instead of carrying around an ID card you could just get a permanent mark on your body (maybe the forehead, maybe the back of the hand) that proves you're allowed to buy and sell.
    I can't take credit for this idea myself, though, it was in this book I read one time called "Revelations".
    Seems I've heard this somewhere before :idea:clicky (http://www.***
    But people are so blinded by their own brilliant ideas they completely ignore the obvious truth.
    One question everybody seems to be asking is. How do we change the situation we are in? The future is already written. Nothing we do to change the world we live in is going to change the end result. Stop worrying about making the world a better place and worry more about making yourself a better person. Through better people the world can be a better place for what time we have left.
    All I can say is what goes around comes around. We Americans are now experiencing the same kind of frustration the Native American Indians had when we came here uninvited and kicked their ass and stole their land. The same frustration the Africans experienced when we went there uninvited and stole their people and enslaved them. Paybacks are a mother fuĉker. And were getting ours now.
    I know talking about religion is like opening a big ole can of worms and I'm not posting this to start any type of argument or to tell anyone they're going to hell. It's not my place to judge others just the same as it's not anyones place to judge me. I am posting this in hopes that someone will actually gain a little insight on what could be possibly the biggest mistake of their lives.
    Now I'm not one to thump the Bible at people but my friends the time is near. What you choose to do and what you choose accept is your own responsibility. I can not, WILL NOT endorse, accept or condone any type of national ID program or anything that slightly resembles one, besides my SSN which if I had had a choice at the time I would have denied it.
    If you want a closer look into the book of Revelations Click Here ( And don't skip any chapters to get the Readers Digest condensed version. Open your mind and get the BIG picture.
    While I have a hard time accepting every interpretation in the NSL alot of it will make you rethink what you think you might already know.
    Remember the 4th.
    Peace be with you my brothers and sisters.

  2. #62
    sanger rat
    OK, I'm sold. I agree with the idea of a valid DL req'd to buy gasoline. I don't want minors buying gas, I don't want adults that don't have a license to buy gas, and I don't want illegals buying gas either.
    Big Brother, Privacy, Conspiracy Theorist's/Theories, I don't care if Uncle Sam knows that I drink Southern Comfort (valid DL req'd) or if I try to run 87 pump gas in a 11:1 engine (should be req'd to show a valid DL).
    Ok then you are going to love this.

  3. #63
    Revelations is pretty intense. I got goose bumps every time I read through it. With whats happing in current society I truly believe in it.
    On another note, I would not wanting the government to have that much control over citizens. Just because theses boarder hoppers wont stop fleeing our country and our government does nothing about it; gives them NO right to monitor the lives so closely of legal citizens. If the US implemented this idea, then what would be next? Food, Utilities?

  4. #64
    It's brilliant Froggy..... I think real crooks will be forced to work harder to hide, but it's definitely a great idea and would likely nab a few... The immigration scenario would be likely the same, but making it harder on them can't hurt....problem is the NAACP would fight to the death... Oh well... I know I would give up some more freedom to clean up our streets, but that's me

  5. #65
    Blown 472
    Ever written a letter to one of your reps? I have. I'm guessing if you've sent any correspondence to one of your reps, it was a link to some wild eyed conspiracy website. :notam: But most likely, you haven't and wouldn't know how. Thanks for contributing to the discussion though
    I write them all the time. And you had such a great input as well, suprised you are not whining like normal.

  6. #66
    I kind of get your point.. But if you've done nothing wrong, What are you afraid of?
    You know how many people are dead because they did nothing wrong police just had wrong information

  7. #67
    Why stop with gas? How about a National ID/Debit card tied to a biometric database. Cash is old fashioned anyway. It only benefits drug dealers and organized crime. Make every transaction an EBT and you'll stop a lot of bad guys. Any doctor will tell you that half of the colds and other transferable diseases are linked to passing money. Lets face it the stuff is filthy. One step closer to reducing health costs. What about the IRS? you could really downsize that money pit. They know to the dime how much money is deposited into your account. They simply deduct your taxes from your account at the end of the year. Brilliant!!! Now everybody pays their fair share. No more tax collectors. Tired of getting hassled by the panhandlers at the Home Depot? Well unless they have a card swiper tied to a satellite terminal they aren't gonna get any money from you.
    If you can't earn or spend any money, certainly that would be a deterrent to keep illegals out of the country.
    If you are an honest hardworking American you should have no objections to this system.

  8. #68
    I didn't have time to read the whole thread but what about our responisbility? We need to remove the incentive for them to be here. Part of that is education, part of that is healthcare but the biggest component is jobs. We have virtually no method to keep small and medium sized businesses from hiring illegals.
    We need to take some responsibility. Like someone said earlier, finding them isn' the hard part, it's what to do with them. Just look at the number of hispanic families riding around withut seatbelts. You and I would be paying a big fat ticket. Tey don't get pulled over becuase the cops know they will just blow it off.
    I'm a democrat thatis pissed off about the immigration situation, but honestly, neither party has the balls to step up. The Republicans would be labeled as unfriendly to the business world and Democrats would not want to hurt anyone's feelings.

  9. #69
    dirty old man
    No, the demos want to give them all amnesty (again), increase their welfare and so on

  10. #70
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The jewish did nothing wrong either.... ask them if they should have been afraid.
    Wow, comparing Hitler and his regiem to being req'd to show a valid DL to buy gas. The comparison is so close I'm surprised it never acured to me. :jawdrop:

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