Visited my local ford dealer buddy , who let my son sit in this
car .Now he's going to egg his buddies at high school
They don't even let you sit in these things at the auto show .
Anyhow, they surely have a price fixing on these new models till it's been
on the road for a year :crossx: . I remember when somebody paid 200K for
the first Viper when the MFRP was only 68 K . The GT 40 should be
around 160-175 US . Here they charge 280 K cdn if you badly want it. The
problem with this one as you can see , is the ugly rear bumper they had to
fabricate to conform canadian crash test requirements . If you take it off ,
the insurance would be void !
Should I take out a mortgage equity without the wife's knowledge :2purples:
Reggie Miller from the Pacers lives just down the street and he has the exact same color scheme on his car. Looks Great!!!