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Thread: Everyone should read this. The Always Wrong Military in the USA!

  1. #1
    Keith E. Sayre
    You may have seen it before but worth the 2 minutes. Read this and then
    say "I'm dam proud to be an American."
    Caution--the lump in your throat at the end--when you see the young man
    in the chair saluting--may make your voice quiver. This can be resolved
    after a few moments of thought and gratitude.
    It worked for me.
    Keith Sayre

  2. #2
    Thank you

  3. #3
    Thanks Keith.

  4. #4
    Yes, thanks Keith.

  5. #5
    That's fitting today, I recieved a flag and certificate for framing from a very close friend of mine who is stationed in Iraq right now. He sent me the flag which was flown in Ramadi last month. I've been keeping much of his belongings at my home since his family doesn't believe we should be in Iraq and don't want anything to do with him. I can't thank him enough for what he is doing to keep me free, but yet he is unselfish and thinks he needs to be thanking me for storing his truck and such and forwarding his mail. I was honored to have him send me the flag and to see this at the end of the day is just icing on the cake.

  6. #6
    Well written, Its amazing to me, he is right go do a search on the vietnam war and see what you get back??????? I'd like to say THANK YOU to all our troops past and present. Thank you for MY freedom that YOU risked YOUR life so that I could have. Thank you to those who laid down their lives so that I could be free to do as I please. We all owe such a debt of gratitude to the soldiers that fight for us everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Keith E. Sayre
    there was a turnout of over 1,000 people at the funeral for the young
    man that died in Iraq last Saturday here in Havasu. His mother was so
    happy as was his grandmother. There was a huge turnout of bikers
    that are vets that escort the body to the cemetery and it was an hour
    long procession in. Then of course the military did the burial. Very
    solemn and very fitting but one where you left with a smile on your
    face being proud to be an American.
    Keith Sayre

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