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Thread: Poster x, blown, and other libs please respond with ideas!

  1. #31
    Poster X
    You must be talking about the uber neocon liberal represented by your limitless spending and infatuation with world domination?

  2. #32
    Steve 1
    X Neo Commie NO you and your worthless liberal policies Stinky

  3. #33
    Poster X
    No need to stomp the poo-poo out of is already freeflowing from your mouth. Kick you in the junk is just a saying. If you paid attention, you would notice it is used quite a bit on these boards in jest.
    Reality is that in person, I would lay an intellectual smack down on that make you bleed from your ears. No need to physically abuse you as it would probably only improve the way you look.
    Good luck with you trolling. Perhaps you will get a life and meet some friends?
    I am flying out to see Blown pretty soon, and we are gonna go drink some milk and get our asses kicked by a couple chicks at a bar.
    I still don't get how disagreeing with you is "trolling?"

  4. #34
    Poster X
    You really are a moron. No offence. LMAO!!!
    Is your vacuous existence so pathetic you need the internet to make friends? To me, you are a pixel with a keyboard. No more. No less. I have absolutely zero desire to use internet bulletin boards to make friends or build long lasting relationships. If it happened then so be it. To make these pixelated persona's your reality is quite hilarious in a sad lifeless way. Have fun, that's the name of the game. Anything less is just plain weird.

  5. #35
    Poster X
    It's just a guess but I think you are equally detested over there?

  6. #36
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Poster x, the only true victims of Katrina were the young(children), elerly and the infirmed. Your liberal all views reveal your almost Marxist view of the world.....that is that all people can be divided into groups based on economics or that groups financial properity. Lok with years of warning about the potential of this happening, along with more than 5 days specific warning by every expert on the planet (who said get the hell out of Dodge the storm of the century is coming!) on radio, newspapers, and TV if you were not the young infirmed or elderly than you were stupid and a bad decision maker if you stayed in town!
    Don't think that being poor is reason to have stayed in NO. It was felony DUMB ASSES! Simply put if you were able bodied, with 5 days warning, and you got stuck in the Big Easy you were a Dumb Ass person WHO DECIDED for what ever reason to stay. If you are one of those people, than shut up nut up and admitt you were an idiot that stayed and don't expect the rest of us to feel sorry for you! Hell with 5 days warning every able bodied person should have and could have hiked out on foot! Why would a poor man (regardless of his race) use the fact that he is poor as a reason for keeping his family in harms way? And then not claim personal responsibilty for his Dumb Ass decision to stay. You see it fits right in with a Marxist point of view "it is not the Dum Ass' fault he was left behind, he is the victim not of the storm Katrina but the hairy handed macinations of the evil rich white man!"
    I don't feel sorry for the Dum Asses in N.O.! I do feel sorry for the real victims as I have defined above. Those that know me are aware that I am a die hard Capitalist/Objectivist. And as such take I take full responsibilty for the good or bad things in my life. I don't blame other people for my lot in life I make my own way. As modest as my good fortune is i am responsible for my good fortune! When things don't go my way and something bad happens i don't cry about it. Nor do I expect anybody else to cry for me either.
    Tuesday night I was at the USC Long Beach Trojan Club's Football rally at my club............the Long Beach Yacht Club which my family is a member. It was dinner and an evening wuth Dr. Art Bartner and the USC marching band. Just a bunch of old upper class white capitalists having supper on Los Alamitos Bay enjoying our good fortune(we earned by the way). I understand at this event 210 of us raised $16,200 for the victims of Katrina. Do the math we all averaged $800.00 per head that nite in donations to the victims of this tradgedy. How many of the donors do you think were liberals or admitted demorats? None! Capitalist consistantly give more to charity than libs. Period no question capitalist are more generous than libs. My real estate office has already raised 10,000.00 for Katrina relief. How much have you and your commrades raised out of your own pockets?
    You frequently post that you are on the attack when "one class is insulted by an other".........listen to yourself ,who the hell appointed you champion of the dumb asses? You obviously went to college. You seem educated. please do your self a favor and forget all the liberal shit you spewing out your maouth that I am sure you either learned from some commie university prof! It doesn't work in the real world.
    So your assertion that some how my example is some how apeasing my guilt about the Dumb Asses in the Big Easy is misquided. I don't expect everybody to live like me, but those that don't should not expect me to feel sorry for them when shit happens bad to them.
    Poster x when you abanond your Marxist beliefs and realize that the world and all the people in it are not divided by economics but rather by those people that believe they are responsible for their lot in life. Not the government nor somebody more financially better off than they are.

  7. #37
    Poster X
    I understand your point of view. I happen to believe someone should not be condemned to death because they made a bad decision. The evacuee's most likely felt they were far enough inland to survive the storm. Bad judgement call, but not deserving of the death penalty or your verbal abuse. Giving money does not absolve you from common courtesy.

  8. #38
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Nobody gave them a death sentence but themselves! Once again get off the fact that you think they have been victimized by somebody! Shit happens and it is the INDIVIDUAL'S responsibility to manage his or her own life. the Dumb Asses that stayed in the Big Easy despite the warnings only have themselves to blame!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody condemned them to a death sentence!
    And they deserve to be insulted!!!!!!! How many cops and fireman risked their lives needlessly because the dumb asses stayed in town? Yes the young, elderly and infirmed are true victims but quit trying to make excuses for the dumb asses with your liberal tripe of ultruism bullshit! And just because I donate money doesn't give the right to ridicule the stupid. I have the right to ridicule them because I have the right to voice my opinion no matter how much the libs don't like it. Tough shit for the dumb asses! I will help them any way because I am a kind person! Answer my previous question how much phuking money have you sent butt pirate?
    I do not make excuses for the dumb ass libs of this world I just hold them responsible for their mistakes. The truth hurts but the Big Easy will now for ever be referred to by me as the Big Stupid! It is tough but the sooner this country holds people accountable for their own actions and quits making excuses for them the sooner they will want to take control of their own lives and the better their own lives will be. butt Pirate/pisser x your continued bullshit of liberalism just cripples the dunb asses further.

  9. #39
    Poster X
    You don't mind if I continue to think you are an elitist racist do you?

  10. #40
    Busti I couldn't of agreed with you anymore. It will be intresting to see what these people will do with there lives now that the government is going to be handing them more money. This whole situation shows you the incompetence of government.

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