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Thread: Madison the movie

  1. #11
    LeE ss13
    Don't anybody tell me how it ends. I only have the trailer, and no, not the kind with wheels. You have no idea how upset I was at that other boat movie when somebody told the Titanic sunk before I got to see the movie !!!!

  2. #12
    Don't anybody tell me how it ends. I only have the trailer, and no, not the kind with wheels. You have no idea how upset I was at that other boat movie when somebody told the Titanic sunk before I got to see the movie !!!!
    Yea, I know what you mean.
    The wife bought it on DVD or something back when it came on the market. I didn't go when it was at the theatres, and won't bother to sit thru the thing on the Tube. Everytime she's asked, I keep tellin' her, "I know how it ENDS!"
    I'm glad to hear Madison is available at the rental store- I've been waiting to hear something about it. Hope it does good on the market.

  3. #13
    My wife just came home with the dvd Madison. ? How many times can
    you watch a dvd before it is worn out.
    Cool old hydroplanes !!!!
    I just ordered it. But I must have watched "Dust to Glory" 100 times so you should be ok for a few weeks at least.

  4. #14
    whats this movie about ????

  5. #15
    The movie is about Unlimited Hydroplane racing in 1971 in the U.S.
    A small town in Madison Indiana owns their own Hydro with a old
    Allison 12 cylinder aircraft engine from world war II. They were not
    real competitive but made it to the races for several years. In 1971 the
    Gold Cup (championship) was held on the Ohio River in Madison Indiana.
    The small town owned boat beat all the expensive race boats that year.
    It was great in real life, and made a good story for the movie.
    Kind of like Ken Warby setting the world water speed record with
    a home built boat.

  6. #16
    Fry's had 4 copies.......Down to three now.

  7. #17
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I just ordered it. But I must have watched "Dust to Glory" 100 times so you should be ok for a few weeks at least.
    Dust to Glory is a great film. I've watched it too a bunch. I'm lucky, my neighbor is a film critic and I get everything from him months before it's released.
    I thought Maddison was a dud. It was cool to see some unlimiteds running around, but I thought it was a typical Hollywood hack job. Boring race scenes, (where the hell was the sound of the engines?) predictable plot. Kinda obvious minitures scenes. It took years to get released and I can see why. I read over on Ron Hills site about what happened in real life, and I agree after reading what they said, that the truth would have been better than what got filmed.
    On the other hand, a film about boat racing doesn't come along to often, so it's cool to have and watch if for no other reason to see some boats.

  8. #18
    beats the sex, drugs, blood and gore crap coming from the big 'H' hands down. I'm on three times and there are none to buy up here, only rent. I recommend getting Racing Fever, a 1960s B rated movie with good flat and hydro action.

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