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Thread: Chinese see miltary operate!

  1. #31
    so the debt is about sixty percent of the gdp for one year? wow, thats alot of money, not! look at the big picture. people have been bitching about the national debt for how long? the national debt is an arbitrary number that is used to get peoples attention and devert it. also, you can not use social security as a debt index, that is a revolving budget item that is paid each year as part of the federal budget. tell me one way how the national debt has affected your life personally? i'd be willing to bet that the actions of your state has greatly more affect on anyones personal lives than the federal government.

  2. #32
    Poster X
    Hey redneckcharlie. This is going to come as a big shock to you so sit down. I can wait.
    Sitting down yet? Need more time? A chair is the thing with a seat legs and a back. Get comfy.
    Ok, are you ready. If this wasn't the internet I would color it for you. Pretty purples and yellows. Maybe even some little pictures? That would be nice..wouldn't it?
    Ok, you might have to get your big sister to help with muti-syllabic words but I'll try and keep them small just for you.
    A long long time ago in a country called America our President signed into action the Social Security Administration. This was to help grown ups who get too old to work still eat, have a roof over their head and even recieve medical treatment and medicines. At the time it signified our maturity as an economy and our humanity as men. The goal was for everyone to pay a little each month and that would be invested in bonds and blue chip stocks to secure the future of every American family. Americans investing in America.
    Well, some bad things happened and it just didn't work out, even though all intentions were good. Some American presidents even borrowed from social security to cover expenditures of their administration so we the people didn't freak out about budget surpluses and pork expenditures.
    Lo and behold Americas economy began to slip slide away. Blue Chip companies began to merge solidifying their stock value but paying lower dividends because it was just one company instead of three. Social Security started downhill.
    Soon, blue chip companies began outsourcing their production to other nations. This made dividends even lower and Social Security seemed doomed to collapse.
    Another President came along and spent trillions of dollars we didn't have. So, he had to borrow heavily from Social Security also. This put the future of Social Security in a sure bad spot. Well, the American president decided that he could keep stock prices high if he borrowed even more money from foreign investors like China, Japan, the middle east and even Russia. By taking this money and counting it as income he could reinvest it in failing stocks for social security and tell everyone it had made a rebound. What a nice guy.
    So now, americans think they have a strong economy and a futurized social security program even though it's stability is based on borrowing from foreign countries and creating a false rise in stocks and bonds while simultaneously creating a tunnel affect for the American dollar. When the merry go round stops, the money will still be owed with trillions of dollars in interest. Social Security will be bankrupt. The american dollar will be worthless and your children and your childrens children will be living in a third world country under corporate and foreign control.
    You will still get to have a boat and a big shiny truck. Because you see, it will take years to trickle down to you. So you go nighty night and have sweet dreams. You do not have to think of anyone but yourself. Not your children. Certainly not their children. And definitely not a free america as you have enjoyed. To hell with kids and the future. They's just screw it up. Who cares if there's a world when you're gone anyway. Nighty night sweet prince. The sandman will tuck you in soon.

  3. #33
    is the federal government still providing you with assistance? me, i pay my own way. no one in my family has ever taken a dime from social security, hasn't needed to, luckily. the amount of money we have paid in, is quite large, including myself, considering i'm not quite forty yet. i've been self employed my whole life, so my perspective is a little different. i don't expect the government to provide anything for me. maybe thats the difference between you and i. i'm not going to run across the street and tell my neighbor his house is on fire and then tell him he did something wrong. i'm going to get the people out first, then try and put the fire out. if you don't understand that, let me simplify it for you. if you have a complaint and don't want to try and solve the problem, the shut the fxxk up!!!!!!! :argue:

  4. #34
    As usual, a thread has devolve into absurditites by either Poser or Blowj. it would be interesting if we would have a discussion on an intellectual basis, rather than the morons baiting the conservatives.

  5. #35
    Poster X
    What makes you intellectuals think you're the only ones self employed and have never used social security benefits? Your arrogance knows no bounds. Your blind faith is without limitation and your myopic view of the world and it's future is only exceeded by your leadership.

  6. #36
    blah, blah, blah, blah.

  7. #37
    What makes you intellectuals think you're the only ones self employed and have never used social security benefits? Your arrogance knows no bounds.
    The bag-boy on unemployment chastizes us for being self-sufficient and not on the state's dole, while our income taxes pay him. LOL Precious. Talk about arrogance. :yuk:

  8. #38
    Poster X
    I notice congress gave themselves another raise. Does this mean my checks will go up? If I could just buy good gin instead of Schaeffers I might be a bit more tenable?

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