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Thread: Immigration, cut it or leave it alone?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    the melting pot will overflow and put out the fire - then its no chow for anyone ----
    That's a pretty concise way to put it.
    Since you are a bench racer and have no ability to reason I can only assume you are just lucky to have come up with that.

  2. #12
    Rexone, HighRoller, lucky, I agree. Well said, so whos running that we can vote for?

  3. #13
    Rexone, HighRoller, lucky, I agree. Well said, so whos running that we can vote for?
    Theres not, there wont be. Having common sense in government was legislated out years ago. I think what REX said in his first statement was as close to reality as anything. We've set out on this path of PCness and dont believe theres room for a U-Turn. In this day and age people in this country are all about "whats in it for me?", instead of whats best as a nation and a peoples. A nation full of different factions that are slowly widening the gap between each other are heading down the path of civil war, or at least weakening themselves and making it easier for terrorists or opposing governments to smash us. An opposition force is'nt going to slaughter us because were too white, too black, too brown, too yellow, too christian, too jew, too muslim, too left, too right, too republican, too democratic, their going to slaughter us because we're just too damn AMERICAN.

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2009
    This should be front page, six o'clock news material. Fact is. it isn't and will never be. Even if it was, I'm not sure this new society would be watching.
    We have over 40 homes on our block, only 7 newspapers hit the deck. As much as I hate our local liberal rag it does give some Info. With interest such as this
    and head in the sand syndrome, the "People" will not make a difference.
    When it finally gets close to touching will be too late!
    Thanks for the Video Mike....

  5. #15
    I just watched that video and it was very interesting and alarming.....
    I hope something actually gets done and soon!

  6. #16
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I just watched that video and it was very interesting and alarming.....
    I hope something actually gets done and soon!
    This is the real deal.
    Unfortunately no one in government, democrat, republican, or otherwise will do a damn thing about it. Short of a revolution (yes I'm serious) the groundwork and direction has been set to let any number of immigrants in that can walk over the borders. Plus support them at the expense of US citizens.
    The only positive thing about the above is that the terriorists will probably destroy the country before the illegal immigrants can take over, again open borders being a factor.
    I'm really disgusted with how our government has sold this country down the river on the immigration and open borders issue. Originally I thought Bush would do something about it. Especially after 911. He hasn't done shit and I'm sure won't barring some terriorist attack that kills many times that of 911. Hopefully our next administration will have the balls to do the right thing. Hopefully it won't be too late.

  7. #17
    Thats not good I would willing to bet that the 1mil that comes in is not including all the ones that walk across the boerder... I keep loving how he is refering to CA...makes me really glad that i bought some land up in OR.

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