If you are into skiing, nothing beats a direct drive. My wife LOVES skiing, my boys and I are into wake boarding. Here's the problem, a ski boat will make a good wakeboard boat(just add tower and weight). But a wakeboard boat will NOT make a good ski boat(wake is always too big)..Believe me I tried a lot. Ski Centurian has one of the best bottoms ever made for a Comp-ski boat. So we went the direct drive route, 1987 Ski Centurian (oldie but a goodie) and added a tower. We have had the boat for years it's a great little boat. 21 ft, gives you plenty of room to move around, and will rip your arms off with 6 people onboard. They just shoot out of the water. They still make the hull, not sure of the name, but very reasonable cost wise.