It is.
I did not attempt to quote the code.
But it is all right there in section (a) plane as day. That first pragraph covers it.
Want the translation??
In english that section says (among other things):
We may not make a recommendation that can effect the financial intrest of our spouse, ie, prospective employment etc...
In very very simple english it says:
We can't recommend our spouses for a federal government job.
It just can't get much clearer than that.
This is very basic stuff that all federal workers from groundskeepers to big wig CIA agents are supposed to know.
It was not at all illegal for Mark Wilson to take that job and go to Niger. What was illegal was for his wife to recommend him for it. For him to legally have taken that job he would have had to have applied for it on his own and she would have had to have kept her mouth shut and stayed as far out of it as possible. Remember this whole flap started, because she was outed for recommending him for that job.
Wasn't Joe Wilson already a Govt Ambassador prior to his trip to Niger? Which raises the question of whether or not there was financial gain as a result of Plame's recommendation. I am just trying to fully understand how the law was broken. I'm not trying to argue.